Agricultural area of Pitões das Júnias

Pitões das Junias, Montalegre

Pitões das Júnias falls within the Barroso region, classified as a world agricultural heritage by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), which recognises this agricultural region, dominated by livestock production and the typical crops of upland regions and where traditional ways of working the land or treating animals are maintained. The main agricultural activities of the region are cattle raising and cereal production, which has created pattern of landscape in which the cultivated areas (rye fields and vegetable plots), copses and woodlands are interdependent. A communal system of living is still one of the ethical codes and customs characteristic of this region, closely associated with rural practices of a collective life and the need for adaptation to the environment.

The farmed flat area around Pitões das Júnias is undoubtedly a picture of rare beauty, even more so with the contrast of the backdrop of peaks of the Gerês mountains.



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