The bridge is built over the Porto Seco brook, near to the village of Castro Laboreiro, in a flat area devoid of tree cover and providing extensive views with, as a backdrop to the south, the high peaks that rise up between the valleys of the Laboreiro and Peneda Rivers.
Built in the modern era (referred to in 1758 in the parish Parochial Memoirs), Ponte das Veigas has a very gently angled deck, orientated north-south over a perfect single arch. The approaches to the structure are in granite stonework whilst the pavement is in granite cobbles and without parapets.
There is an old superstition linked to this bridge concerning the baptism of children whilst still in the mother’s womb, this to prevent death at birth. The woman who was due to give birth would wait by the river, alongside the bridge, accompanied by some relatives and ask the first person to cross over the bridge to pour water onto the unborn child in her womb.